Cloud Based Music Service | HP Online Music Service | Cloud Based Music

HP Also Prepare Cloud Based Music Service

Hewlett-Packard (HP) ready to challenge Google, Amazon and Apple with cloud based music service storage, which lets users access their music collections anywhere. HP are negotiating with a number of major music labels for these services (cloud based music service). Although still too early to know exactly what kind of service, HP reportedly will be presenting the cloud based music services, movies and television shows.

Another than cloud based music service by HP 

MacBook Air | Apple MacBook Air Released Date

New MacBook Air Released On Late June

New rumors are flying around new MacBook Air, some sources said that Apple Inc ready to selling this MacBook Air in late June with 380,000 units as the first shipment. And it may come with Apple's newest operating system, Lion OS X, as well as new Sandy Bridge processors.

MacBook Air released